Latest tips, news and ideas about all things tax, bookkeeping and accounting from the Broadwing Accountancy team.

Business Process Outsourcing: could it help my small business?
Outsourcing is no longer for just big businesses, it could help you run your start-up more efficiently and save you time and money long term.

5 undervalued benefits of outsourcing your small business bookkeeping
Outsourcing your small business bookkeeping has never been easier or more compelling than it is today. The expansion of online technology in general, and of cloud

Outsourcing vs Insourcing: When should your company resource on demand?
In today’s market, many companies are outsourcing an increasing number of tasks, ranging from Accounting, IT, Admin/Back Office Support and Sales & Marketing. To find

What you need to look for if you’re outsourcing your accounts
Outsourcing can benefit small business by saving time and costs. So, what should you look at for? In small businesses, the accounts function often tends

31st January is nearly upon us! Tax return completed and filed?
No? Don’t panic! Here’s your easy guide to meet That Deadline! The deadline for completing 2016/17 tax returns is now 8 DAYS away and probably approaching far too

I’m going Self Employed. What do I do about HMRC?
Firstly, you need to register with the tax office. This doesn’t need to be done in person; this can be done online. Registration on the

I’m a sole trader; surely, I won’t need to submit 4 tax returns in a year?
Making Tax Digital is HMRC’s idea that both businesses big and small will make fewer errors if they maintain their records more regularly. HMRC are aware

12 Days of Christmas…with a little twist!
Here are our 12 Days of Christmas with a little twist…the 12 benefits of outsourcing your accounting! Click on the image to watch our short

It’s no longer “Business as usual”…
Business is changing and faster than ever before. And accountants are no longer immune to these changes. What are the 3 major things that are

The Importance of Financial Forecasting
The lack of planning and control of cash resources is the reason often given for the failure of many small businesses. By undertaking good financial

Can you do your bookkeeping in 5 minutes a day?
Having worked with hundreds of clients and I have seen financial records in a variety of different formats. Larger clients have big account teams; therefore,

What is Outsourced Accounting? [Infographic]
Outsourced accounting is essentially back office support, which includes professional help with accountability, streamlining the process, and access to technology. With new eyes and a

Small Business Advice: Accounting
If you run a business, you want to focus as much time as possible on the products or services you provide. An accountant can handle the financial

A MASSIVE congratulations to Martin on completing his first marathon! Martin ran the Cologne Marathon at the beginning of October in an astonishing time of 3 hrs

Martin to run the Cologne Marathon for The Daylight Centre, Wellingborough
Our very own Martin Toms will be running his first ever marathon at the age of 56 on the 1st October in Cologne, Germany. Martin will

5 Tips for Brilliant Bookkeeping
Is your goal to grow a thriving business? Do you have a safe pair of hands handling the accounts? No? Did you know inaccurate bookkeeping

The Paper-Free Accountant
The paper-free accountant is now here! Online services have fundamentally changed the landscape of how businesses interact with their accountants. Here’s how to get a paper-free

10 Steps to Cashflow Heaven for Small Businesses
1. Set cashflow targets By preparing and maintaining a cashflow forecast is one way of controlling cashflow. This can be updated weekly to provide an