Latest tips, news and ideas about all things tax, bookkeeping and accounting from the Broadwing Accountancy team.

Reasons to file your tax return early
We know, it feels like the tax year has only just ended, and it’d be nice to chill out for a while before you start

What Exactly Is Capital Gains Tax?
You’ve been making some good money as an influencer, and now you have enough in the bank that you’re starting to consider investments as another

Influencers and Incorporation
So, you’ve proven that you can make an actual living from being a social media influencer: you’re earning more than decent money, and you’ve turned

Planes, Trains and Influencers: Travel Expenses
Continuing with our series of “It’s not what you make – it’s what you get to keep”, this month we’re taking a closer look at

It’s not what you make, it’s what you get to keep that matters!
Social Media Influencers aren’t exactly “new” anymore; indeed, many marketing agencies now factor hiring and working with influencers on specific campaigns into their budgets. Just

Coronavirus Government Help Update 26 March 2020
Firstly, we at Broadwing want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep up to date with the financial help that

Is your bookkeeping “acting” up?
You didn’t become a musician or an actor or a freelance performer to be able to sit there and do paperwork, did you? Unfortunately, as

Actors: Want to reduce your tax?
Your agent has just called, you’ve got an audition…but it’s the other side of the country and it’ll be expensive to get there, and an

5 tips for SMEs to protect cash flow
SMEs suffering from late payments often find themselves facing huge tax bills, forcing them to dip into their cash reserves. Here are 5 tips for

Have you met Jane?
Who’s Jane? She struggled with her #accounts…but not any more!! Jane contacted Broadwing Accountancy and they solved all her problems! Call Brian today on 01604 328328

Fintech’s are transforming the role of Accountants!
Deregulation and new technology are transforming the way in which businesses manage their money and finances. The accountant world is about to have an overhaul

Getting a Grip on Cashflow is Key to SME Success [Infographic]
It has been revealed by American Express that cashflow is getting the better of the UK’s small businesses and holding them back from reaching their

What is FinTech?
Financial Technology has been around virtually as long as the financial services industry itself. But since the economic meltdown of 2008, a new breed of

A Start-up’s Guide to Cloud Accounting
No matter what your industry, as a start-up you’ll have a million and one things to do in order to get your business up and

What are the benefits of working with an Accountant specialising in Tech Start-ups?
Technology startups are taking over the world, and here at Broadwing Accountancy we believe this can only be a good thing! In the UK and

6 golden rules of accurate cashflow forecasting
How to avoid cash flow problems with sound planning and plugging in the right numbers. Cash is the lifeblood of any business and making sure

Tax: what you need to know as a working self-employed actor
Life as an actor can be very hectic – rushing to auditions, rehearsals and performances, so 9 times out of 10 the mundane things, such

Why it is important to give back
Here’s an important life lesson: no matter how tough you think your life is, there’s always someone who has to face challenges that are even